Fabric Settings

Fabric works best when installed globally (or on your $PATH). For most use cases, we can install Fabric with simply:

$ npm i -g FabricLabs/fabric

$ fabric --keygen

This should create (or read) a folder ~/.fabric with a JSON configuration file. Take care, as this file is not (currently) encrypted.

Using Environment Variables

You may use the following environment variables for simple configuration:

  • FABRIC_SEED to specify a BIP 39 seed phrase for your Fabric node
  • FABRIC_PORT to specify the TCP port upon which to listen


  • FABRIC_PASSPHRASE to specify the derivation passphrase

Using Your Own Full Node

Setup Bitcoin Core

First, we must ensure Bitcoin Core's RPC interface is available to us. We will rely on it to provide consensus over the Bitcoin blockchain.

  1. Install Bitcoin Core 0.21.1
  2. Add rpcuser and rpcpassword to bitcoin.conf
  3. Run bitcoind -regtest -server -txindex=1

Configure Fabric

In your local Fabric repository, complete the following:

  1. Configure settings/local.json with your Bitcoin RPC URL
  2. Ensure global availability: npm i -g
  3. Run fabric chat

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