'use strict';
const {
} = require('../constants');
// Internal Dependencies
const querystring = require('querystring');
// External Dependencies
const fetch = require('cross-fetch');
const parser = require('content-type');
// const ws = require('ws').WebSocket;
// Internal Types
const Actor = require('./actor');
const Message = require('./message');
* Interact with a remote {@link Resource}. This is currently the only
* HTTP-related code that should remain in @fabric/core — all else must
* be moved to @fabric/http before final release!
* @type {Remote}
* @property {Object} config
* @property {Boolean} secure
class Remote extends Actor {
* An in-memory representation of a node in our network.
* @param {Object} target - Target object.
* @param {String} target.host - Named host, e.g. "localhost".
* @param {String} target.secure - Require TLS session.
* @constructor
constructor (config = {}) {
this.settings = Object.assign({
backoff: 2,
entropy: Math.random(),
macaroon: null,
secure: true,
state: {
status: 'PAUSED'
host: 'hub.fabric.pub',
port: 443
}, config);
this.secure = this.settings.secure;
this.socket = null;
this.endpoint = `${(this.secure) ? 'wss' : 'ws'}:${this.host}:${this.port}/`;
this._nextReconnect = 0;
this._reconnectAttempts = 0;
this._state = {
status: 'PAUSED',
messages: [],
meta: {
messages: {
count: 0
return this;
set host (value) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error('Host must be a string.');
this.settings.host = value;
return this.settings.host;
get host () {
return this.settings.host;
set port (value) {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new Error('Port must be an integer.');
this.settings.port = value;
return this.settings.port;
get port () {
return this.settings.port;
get authority () {
// TODO: use onion address for secure mode
const parts = (this.settings.authority) ? this.settings.authority.split(':') : this.host.split(':');
const state = {
host: null,
secure: null,
protocol: null,
port: null
// Check number of components
switch (parts.length) {
// TODO: warn about unexpected values
state.host = this.settings.host;
state.port = this.settings.port;
state.secure = this.settings.secure;
case 1:
state.host = parts[0];
state.port = this.settings.port;
state.secure = this.settings.secure;
case 2:
state.host = parts[0];
state.port = parts[1];
state.secure = this.settings.secure;
case 3:
state.host = parts[1];
state.port = parts[2];
// TODO: should settings override protocol inclusion?
state.secure = (parts[0].charAt(4) === 's');
// Finally set protocol for all cases...
state.protocol = (!state.secure) ? 'http' : 'https';
return `${state.protocol}://${state.host}:${state.port}`;
get isArrayBufferSupported () {
return (new Buffer(new Uint8Array([1]).buffer)[0] === 1);
get arrayBufferToBuffer () {
return this.isArrayBufferSupported ? this.arrayBufferToBufferAsArgument : this.arrayBufferToBufferCycle;
arrayBufferToBufferAsArgument (ab) {
return new Buffer(ab);
arrayBufferToBufferCycle (ab) {
var buffer = new Buffer(ab.byteLength);
var view = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = view[i];
return buffer;
async _handleSocketClose (message) {
this._state.status = 'CLOSED';
console.log('[FABRIC:REMOTE]', 'Socket close:', message);
this._reconnector = setTimeout(this.connect.bind(this), this._nextReconnect);
this._nextReconnect = Math.pow(this.settings.backoff, this._reconnectAttempts) * 1000 * Math.random();
async _handleSocketError (message) {
console.error('[FABRIC:REMOTE]', 'Socket error:', message);
this.emit('error', message);
async _handleSocketMessage (packet) {
this.emit('debug', `[FABRIC:REMOTE] Socket packet ${JSON.stringify(packet)}`);
const length = packet.data.byteLength;
console.log('length:', length);
const buffer = Buffer.from(packet.data);
console.log('buffer:', buffer);
const message = Message.fromRaw(buffer).toObject();
console.log('message:', message);
this.emit('message', message);
async _handleSocketOpen (message) {
this._nextReconnect = 0;
this._reconnectAttempts = 0;
if (this._reconnector) clearTimeout(this._reconnector);
this._state.status = 'CONNECTED';
async executeMethod (name, params = []) {
const call = Message.fromVector([P2P_CALL, JSON.stringify([name, params])]);
console.log('call:', call);
console.log('raw:', call.toRaw());
return this.socket.send(call.toRaw());
async connect () {
this._state.status = 'CONNECTING';
try {
this.socket = new WebSocket(this.endpoint);
console.log('socket:', this.socket);
} catch (exception) {
console.error('[FABRIC:REMOTE]', 'Unable to connect:', exception);
if (this.socket) {
this.socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
this.socket.addEventListener('close', this._handleSocketClose.bind(this));
this.socket.addEventListener('open', this._handleSocketOpen.bind(this));
this.socket.addEventListener('message', this._handleSocketMessage.bind(this));
this.socket.addEventListener('error', this._handleSocketError.bind(this));
return this;
* Enumerate the available Resources on the remote host.
* @return {Configuration} An object with enumerable key/value pairs for the Application Resource Contract.
async enumerate () {
const options = await this._OPTIONS('/');
const results = [];
for (const name in options) {
const definition = options[name];
name: definition.name,
description: definition.description,
components: Object.assign({
list: 'maki-resource-list',
view: 'maki-resource-view'
}, definition.components),
routes: definition.routes,
attributes: definition.attributes,
names: definition.names
return options;
* Make an HTTP request to the configured authority.
* @param {String} type One of `GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, `DELETE`, or `OPTIONS`.
* @param {String} path The path to request from the authority.
* @param {Object} [params] Options.
* @returns {FabricHTTPResult}
async request (type, path, params = {}) {
const self = this;
let url = this.authority + path;
let result = null;
let response = null;
let headers = {
if (params.headers) {
headers = Object.assign({}, headers, params.headers);
if (this.settings.macaroon) {
headers = Object.assign({}, headers, {
'Macaroon': this.settings.macaroon,
'EncodingType': 'hex'
let opts = {
method: type,
headers: headers
// TODO: break out into independent auth module
if (this.settings.username || this.settings.password) {
headers['Authorization'] = `Basic ${Buffer.from([
this.settings.username || '',
this.settings.password || ''
switch (params.mode) {
case 'query':
url += '?' + querystring.stringify(params.body);
try {
opts.body = JSON.stringify(params.body);
} catch (exception) {
console.error('[FABRIC:REMOTE] Could not prepare request:', exception);
opts = Object.assign(opts, {
body: params.body || null
// Core Logic
this.emit('warning', `Requesting: ${url} ${opts}`);
try {
response = await fetch(url, opts);
} catch (e) {
self.emit('error', `[REMOTE] exception: ${e}`);
if (!response) {
return {
status: 'error',
message: 'No response to request.'
switch (response.status) {
case 404:
result = {
status: 'error',
message: 'Document not found.'
if (response.ok) {
const formatter = parser.parse(response.headers.get('content-type'));
switch (formatter.type) {
case 'application/json':
try {
result = await response.json();
} catch (E) {
console.error('[REMOTE]', 'Could not parse JSON:', E);
if (this.settings.verbosity >= 4) self.emit('warning', `[FABRIC:REMOTE] Unhandled headers content type: ${formatter.type}`);
result = await response.text();
} else {
if (this.settings.verbosity >= 4) console.warn('[FABRIC:REMOTE]', 'Unmanaged HTTP status code:', response.status);
try {
result = response.json();
} catch (exception) {
result = response.text();
return result;
async ping () {
created: (new Date()).toISOString(),
type: 'PING'
async send (message) {
const msg = Message.fromVector(['GenericMessage', JSON.stringify(message)]);
const raw = msg.toRaw();
const actor = new Actor({ content: raw.toString('hex') });
return actor.id;
async sendAsJSON (message) {
content: message
* HTTP PUT against the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} body - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {FabricHTTPResult|String} Result of request.
async _PUT (key, body) {
return this.request('put', key, { body });
* HTTP GET against the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} params - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {FabricHTTPResult|String} Result of request.
async _GET (key, params) {
return this.request('get', key, params);
* HTTP POST against the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} params - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {FabricHTTPResult|String} Result of request.
async _POST (key, obj, params = {}) {
let result = null;
let options = null;
switch (params.mode) {
case 'query':
options = Object.assign({}, {
body: obj,
mode: 'query'
options = Object.assign({}, params, {
body: obj,
mode: 'body'
result = await this.request('post', key, options);
return result;
* HTTP OPTIONS on the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} params - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {Object} - Full description of remote resource.
async _OPTIONS (key, params) {
return this.request('options', key, params);
* HTTP PATCH on the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} body - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {Object} - Full description of remote resource.
async _PATCH (key, body) {
return this.request('patch', key, { body });
* HTTP DELETE on the configured Authority.
* @param {String} path - HTTP Path to request.
* @param {Object} params - Map of parameters to supply.
* @return {Object} - Full description of remote resource.
async _DELETE (key, params) {
return this.request('delete', key, params);
async _SEARCH (key, params) {
return this.request('search', key, params);
module.exports = Remote;