'use strict';
// Constants
const {
} = require('../constants');
// Dependencies
const net = require('net');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const stream = require('stream');
const manager = require('fast-json-patch');
const noise = require('noise-protocol-stream');
const merge = require('lodash.merge');
// Fabric Types
const Actor = require('./actor');
const Identity = require('./identity');
const Signer = require('./signer');
const Key = require('./key');
const Machine = require('./machine');
const Message = require('./message');
const Service = require('./service');
const Wallet = require('./wallet');
// Constants
* An in-memory representation of a node in our network.
class Peer extends Service {
* Create an instance of {@link Peer}.
* @param {Object} [config] Initialization Vector for this peer.
* @param {Boolean} [config.listen] Whether or not to listen for connections.
* @param {Boolean} [config.upnp] Whether or not to use UPNP for automatic configuration.
* @param {Number} [config.port=7777] Port to use for P2P connections.
* @param {Array} [config.peers=[]] List of initial peers.
constructor (config = {}) {
this.name = 'Peer';
this.settings = merge({
constraints: {
peers: {
max: 32,
shuffle: 8
interface: '',
interval: 60000, // 1 minute
network: 'regtest',
networking: true,
listen: true,
peers: [],
port: 7777,
state: Object.assign({
actors: {},
channels: {},
contracts: {},
documents: {},
messages: {},
services: {}
}, config.state),
upnp: false,
key: {}
}, config);
// Network Internals
this.upnp = null;
this.server = net.createServer(this._NOISESocketHandler.bind(this));
this.stream = new stream.Transform({
transform (chunk, encoding, done) {
done(null, chunk);
this.identity = new Identity(this.settings.key);
this.signer = new Signer(this.settings.key);
this.key = new Key(this.settings.key);
// this.wallet = new Wallet(this.settings.key);
// this.hex = this.key.public.encodeCompressed('hex');
// this.pkh = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(this.hex).digest('hex');
// Public Details
this.public = {
ip: null,
port: this.settings.port
// Internal properties
this.actors = {};
this.contracts = {};
this.chains = {};
this.candidates = [];
this.connections = {};
this.history = [];
this.peers = {};
this.mailboxes = {};
this.memory = {};
this.handlers = {};
this.messages = new Set();
this.sessions = {};
// Internal Stack Machine
this.machine = new Machine();
this.observer = null;
this.meta = {
messages: {
inbound: 0,
outbound: 0
this._state = {
content: this.settings.state,
peers: {},
chains: {},
connections: {},
status: 'sleeping'
return this;
get id () {
return this.key.pubkey;
get pubkeyhash () {
// TODO: switch to child pubkey
// path: m/7777'/0'/0/0
return this.key.pubkeyhash;
* @deprecated
get address () {
return this.settings.interface || this.settings.address;
get documentation () {
return {
name: 'Fabric',
description: 'Manages connections to the Fabric Network.',
methods: {
ack: {
description: 'Acknowledge a message.',
parameters: {
message: {
// TODO: consider making this a FabricMessageID
type: 'FabricMessage',
description: 'The message to acknowledge.'
returns: {
type: 'Promise',
description: 'A Promise which resolves to the completed FabricState.'
send: {
description: 'Send a message to a connected peer.',
parameters: {
message: {
type: 'FabricMessage',
description: 'The message to send to the peer.'
returns: {
type: 'Promise',
description: 'A Promise which resolves to the response (if any).'
broadcast: {
description: 'Broadcast a message to all connected nodes.',
parameters: {
message: {
type: 'FabricMessage',
description: 'The message to send to the node.'
returns: {
type: 'Promise',
description: 'A Promise which resolves to the responses (if any).'
get interface () {
return this.settings.interface || this.settings.address;
get port () {
return this.settings.port || 7777;
beat () {
const initial = new Actor(this.state);
const now = (new Date()).toISOString();
this.emit('beat', {
created: now,
initial: initial.toGenericMessage(),
state: this.state
return this;
* Write a {@link Buffer} to all connected peers.
* @param {Buffer} message Message buffer to send.
broadcast (message, origin = null) {
for (const id in this.connections) {
if (id === origin) continue;
relayFrom (origin, message, socket = null) {
for (const id in this.connections) {
if (id === origin) continue;
this.connections[id]._writeFabric(message.toBuffer(), socket);
_beginFabricHandshake (client) {
// Start handshake
const vector = ['P2P_SESSION_OFFER', JSON.stringify({
actor: {
id: this.identity.id
object: {
challenge: crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'),
// Create offer message
const P2P_SESSION_OFFER = Message.fromVector(vector)._setSigner(this.signer).sign();
const message = P2P_SESSION_OFFER.toBuffer();
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `session_offer ${P2P_SESSION_OFFER} ${message.toString('hex')}`);
// Send handshake
try {
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', `Cannot write to socket: ${exception}`);
return this;
* Open a Fabric connection to the target address and initiate the Fabric Protocol.
* @param {String} target Target address.
_connect (target) {
const url = new URL(`tcp://${target}`);
const id = url.username;
if (!url.port) target += `:${P2P_PORT}`;
this._registerActor({ name: target });
this._registerPeer({ identity: id });
// Set up the NOISE socket
const socket = net.createConnection(url.port || P2P_PORT, url.hostname);
const client = noise({
initiator: true,
prologue: Buffer.from(PROLOGUE),
// privateKey: derived.privkey,
verify: this._verifyNOISE.bind(this)
socket.on('error', (error) => {
this.emit('error', `Socket error: ${error}`);
socket.on('open', (info) => {
this.emit('debug', `Socket open: ${info}`);
socket.on('close', (info) => {
this.emit('debug', `Outbound socket closed: (${target}) ${info}`);
socket.on('end', (info) => {
this.emit('debug', `Socket end: (${target}) ${info}`);
// Handle trusted Fabric messages
client.decrypt.on('data', (data) => {
this._handleFabricMessage(data, { name: target }, client);
// Start stream
// TODO: output stream
// client.decrypt.pipe(this.stream);
this._registerNOISEClient(target, socket, client);
this.emit('connections:open', {
address: target,
id: target,
url: url
_announceAlias (alias, origin = null, socket = null) {
const PACKET_PEER_ALIAS = Message.fromVector(['P2P_PEER_ALIAS', JSON.stringify({
type: 'P2P_PEER_ALIAS',
object: {
name: alias
const announcement = PACKET_PEER_ALIAS.toBuffer();
this.broadcast(announcement, origin.name);
_destroyFabric (socket, target) {
if (socket._keepalive) clearInterval(socket._keepalive);
delete this.connections[target];
delete this.peers[target];
this.emit('connections:close', {
address: target,
name: target
* Attempt to fill available connection slots with new peers.
* @returns {Peer} Instance of the peer.
_fillPeerSlots () {
if (this.connections.length >= this.settings.constraints.peers.max) return;
const openCount = this.settings.constraints.peers.max - Object.keys(this.connections).length;
for (let i = 0; i < openCount; i++) {
if (!this.candidates.length) continue;
const candidate = this.candidates.shift();
// this.emit('debug', `Filling peer slot ${i} of ${openCount} (max ${this.settings.constraints.peers.max}) with candidate: ${JSON.stringify(candidate, null, ' ')}`);
try {
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', `Unable to fill open peer slot ${i}: ${exception}`);
// Place the candidate back in the list
return this;
* Handle a Fabric {@link Message} buffer.
* @param {Buffer} buffer
* @returns {Peer} Instance of the Peer.
_handleFabricMessage (buffer, origin = null, socket = null) {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(buffer).digest('hex');
const message = Message.fromBuffer(buffer);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Got Fabric message: ${message}`);
// Have we seen this message before?
if (this.messages[hash]) {
// this.emit('debug', `Duplicate message: ${hash}`);
// Store message for later
this.messages[hash] = buffer.toString('hex');
const checksum = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(message.body, 'utf8').digest('hex');
if (checksum !== message.raw.hash.toString('hex')) throw new Error('Message received with incorrect hash.');
// TODO: verify signatures
// const signer = new Signer({ public: message.raw.author });
// this.emit('debug', `Message signer: ${signer}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Message author: ${message.raw.signature.toString('hex')}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Message signature: ${message.raw.signature.toString('hex')}`);
switch (message.type) {
this.emit('debug', `Unhandled message type: ${message.type}`);
case 'GenericMessage':
case 'PeerMessage':
case 'ChatMessage':
// Parse JSON body
try {
const content = JSON.parse(message.data);
this._handleGenericMessage(content, origin, socket);
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', `Broken content body: ${exception}`);
return this;
_handleGenericMessage (message, origin = null, socket = null) {
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Generic message:\n\tFrom: ${JSON.stringify(origin)}\n\tType: ${message.type}\n\tBody:\n\`\`\`\n${JSON.stringify(message.object, null, ' ')}\n\`\`\``);
// Lookup the appropriate Actor for the message's origin
const actor = new Actor(origin);
switch (message.type) {
this.emit('debug', `Unhandled Generic Message: ${message.type} ${JSON.stringify(message, null, ' ')}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Handling session offer: ${JSON.stringify(message.object)}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Session offer origin: ${JSON.stringify(origin)}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `connections: ${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(this.connections))}`);
// Peer is valid
// TODO: remove this assumption (validate above)
// TODO: check for existing peer, update instead of replace
this.peers[origin.name] = {
id: message.actor.id,
name: origin.name,
address: origin.name,
connections: [ origin.name ]
// Emit peer event
this.emit('peer', this.peers[origin.name]);
// Send session open event
const vector = ['P2P_SESSION_OPEN', JSON.stringify({
object: {
initiator: message.actor.id,
counterparty: this.identity.id,
solution: message.object.challenge
const PACKET_SESSION_START = Message.fromVector(vector)._setSigner(this.signer).sign();
const reply = PACKET_SESSION_START.toBuffer();
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `session_start ${PACKET_SESSION_START} ${reply.toString('hex')}`);
this.connections[origin.name]._writeFabric(reply, socket);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Handling session open: ${JSON.stringify(message.object)}`);
this.peers[origin.name] = { id: message.object.counterparty, name: origin.name, address: origin };
this.emit('peer', this.peers[origin.name]);
this.emit('chat', message);
const relay = Message.fromVector(['ChatMessage', JSON.stringify(message)])._setSigner(this.signer);
// this.emit('debug', `Relayed chat message: ${JSON.stringify(relay.toGenericMessage())}`);
this.relayFrom(origin.name, relay);
const state = new Actor(message.object.state);
this.emit('debug', `state_announce <Generic>${JSON.stringify(message.object || '')} ${state.toGenericMessage()}`);
case 'P2P_PING':
const now = (new Date()).toISOString();
const P2P_PONG = Message.fromVector(['GENERIC', JSON.stringify({
actor: {
id: this.identity.id
created: now,
type: 'P2P_PONG',
object: {
created: now
case 'P2P_PONG':
// Update the peer's score for succesfully responding to a ping
// TODO: ensure no pong is handled when a ping was not previously sent
const instance = this.state.actors[actor.id] ? this.state.actors[actor.id] : {};
{ op: 'replace', path: '/score', value: (instance.score || 0) + 1 }
this._state.content.actors[actor.id] = this.actors[actor.id].state;
this.emit('state', this.state);
case 'P2P_PEER_ALIAS':
this.emit('debug', `peer_alias ${origin.name} <Generic>${JSON.stringify(message.object || '')}`);
this.connections[origin.name]._alias = message.object.name;
this.emit('debug', `peer_announce <Generic>${JSON.stringify(message.object || '')}`);
const candidate = new Actor(message.object);
// this._fillPeerSlots();
// const announce = Message.fromVector(['PeerAnnounce', JSON.stringify(message)]);
// this.relayFrom(origin.name, announce);
// TODO: reject and punish mis-behaving peers
this.emit('debug', `Handling peer contract publish: ${JSON.stringify(message.object)}`);
// TODO: reject and punish mis-behaving peers
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Handling contract message: ${JSON.stringify(message.object)}`);
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Contract state: ${JSON.stringify(this.state.contracts[message.object.contract])}`);
manager.applyPatch(this._state.content.contracts[message.object.contract], message.object.ops);
_handleNOISEHandshake (localPrivateKey, localPublicKey, remotePublicKey) {
this.emit('debug', `Peer transport handshake using local key: ${localPrivateKey.toString('hex')}`);
this.emit('debug', `Peer transport handshake using local public key: ${localPublicKey.toString('hex')}`);
this.emit('debug', `Peer transport handshake with remote public key: ${remotePublicKey.toString('hex')}`);
_NOISESocketHandler (socket) {
const target = `${socket.remoteAddress}:${socket.remotePort}`;
const url = `tcp://${target}`;
// Store a unique actor for this inbound connection
this._registerActor({ name: target });
// Create NOISE handler
const handler = noise({
prologue: Buffer.from(PROLOGUE),
// privateKey: this.identity.key.private,
verify: this._verifyNOISE.bind(this)
// Set up NOISE event handlers
handler.encrypt.on('handshake', this._handleNOISEHandshake.bind(this));
handler.encrypt.on('error', (error) => {
this.emit('error', `NOISE encrypt error: ${error}`);
handler.encrypt.on('end', (data) => {
this.emit('debug', `Peer encrypt end: ${data}`);
handler.decrypt.on('error', (error) => {
this.emit('error', `NOISE decrypt error: ${error}`);
handler.decrypt.on('close', (data) => {
this.emit('debug', `Peer decrypt close: ${data}`);
handler.decrypt.on('end', (data) => {
this.emit('debug', `Peer decrypt end: ${data}`);
handler.decrypt.on('data', (data) => {
this._handleFabricMessage(data, { name: target });
socket._destroyFabric = () => {
this._destroyFabric(socket, target);
socket._writeFabric = (msg) => {
this._writeFabric(msg, handler);
// Store socket in collection
this.connections[target] = socket;
// Begin NOISE stream
this.emit('connections:open', {
id: target,
url: url
_publishDocument (hash, rate = 0) {
this._state.content.documents[hash] = document;
const PACKET_DOCUMENT_PUBLISH = Message.fromVector(['P2P_DOCUMENT_PUBLISH', JSON.stringify({
object: {
hash: hash,
rate: rate
const message = PACKET_DOCUMENT_PUBLISH.toBuffer();
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Broadcasting document publish: ${message.toString('utf8')}`);
_registerActor (object) {
this.emit('debug', `Registering actor: ${JSON.stringify(object, null, ' ')}`);
const actor = new Actor(object);
if (this.actors[actor.id]) return this;
this.actors[actor.id] = actor;
this.emit('actorset', this.actors);
return this;
_registerContract (object) {
this.emit('debug', `Registering contract: ${JSON.stringify(object, null, ' ')}`);
const actor = new Actor(object);
if (this.contracts[actor.id]) return this;
this.contracts[actor.id] = actor;
this._state.content.contracts[actor.id] = object.state;
this.emit('contractset', this.contracts);
return this;
_registerNOISEClient (name, socket, client) {
// Assign socket properties
// Failure counter
socket._failureCount = 0;
socket._lastMessage = null;
socket._messageLog = [];
// Enable keepalive
socket._keepalive = setInterval(() => {
const now = (new Date()).toISOString();
const P2P_PING = Message.fromVector(['GENERIC', JSON.stringify({
actor: {
id: this.identity.id
created: now,
type: 'P2P_PING',
object: {
created: now
try {
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('debug', `Cannot write ping: ${exception}`)
}, 60000);
// TODO: reconcile APIs for these methods
// Map destroy function
socket._destroyFabric = () => {
this._destroyFabric(socket, name);
// Map write function
socket._writeFabric = (msg) => {
this._writeFabric(msg, client);
this.connections[name] = socket;
return this;
_registerPeer (data) {
const peer = new Actor({
type: 'Peer',
data: data
if (this.peers[peer.id]) return this;
this.peers[peer.id] = peer;
return this;
_scheduleReconnect (target, when = 250) {
this.emit('debug', `Scheduled reconnect to ${target} in ${when} milliseconds...`);
const reconnect = setTimeout(() => {
}, when);
_verifyNOISE (localPrivateKey, localPublicKey, remotePublicKey, done) {
// Is the message valid?
if (1 === 1) {
done(null, true);
} else {
done(null, false);
_writeFabric (msg, stream) {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(msg).digest('hex');
this.messages[hash] = msg.toString('hex');
if (stream) stream.encrypt.write(msg);
* Start the Peer.
async start () {
let address = null;
this.emit('log', 'Peer starting...');
// Register self
this._registerActor({ name: `${this.interface}:${this.port}` });
if (this.settings.listen) {
this.emit('log', 'Listener starting...');
try {
address = await this.listen();
this.emit('log', 'Listener started!');
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', 'Could not listen:', exception);
if (this.settings.networking) {
this.emit('warning', `Networking enabled. Connecting to peers: ${JSON.stringify(this.settings.peers)}`);
for (const candidate of this.settings.peers) {
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Observing state...`);
try {
this.observer = manager.observe(this._state.content);
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', `Could not observe state: ${exception}`);
await this._startHeart();
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Peer ready! State: ${JSON.stringify(this.state, null, ' ')}`);
this.emit('ready', {
id: this.id,
address: address,
pubkey: this.key.pubkey
if (this.settings.debug) this.emit('debug', `Peer started!`);
const PACKET_PEER_ANNOUNCE = Message.fromVector(['P2P_PEER_ANNOUNCE', JSON.stringify({
object: {
host: this._externalIP,
port: this.settings.port
const announcement = PACKET_PEER_ANNOUNCE.toBuffer();
// this.emit('debug', `Announcing peer: ${announcement.toString('utf8')}`);
this.connections[origin.name]._writeFabric(announcement, socket);
return this;
* Stop the peer.
async stop () {
// Alert listeners
this.emit('log', 'Peer stopping...');
this._state.status = 'STOPPING';
// Stop the heart
if (this._heart) clearInterval(this._heart);
this.emit('debug', 'Closing all connections...');
for (const id in this.connections) {
const terminator = async () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.server.address()) return resolve();
return this.server.close(function serverClosed (error) {
if (error) return reject(error);
this.emit('debug', 'Closing network...');
await terminator();
this._state.status = 'STOPPED';
this.emit('log', 'Peer stopped!');
return this;
async _setState (value) {
if (!value) return new Error('You must provide a State to set the value to.');
this._state.content = value;
return this.state;
_disconnect (address) {
if (!this.connections[address]) return false;
// Halt any heartbeat
if (this.connections[address].heartbeat) {
// Destroy the connection
// this.connections[address].destroy();
// Remove connection from map
delete this.connections[address];
_maintainConnection (address) {
const peer = this;
if (!peer.connections[address]) return new Error(`Connection for address "${address}" does not exist.`);
/* peer.connections[address]._player = setInterval(function () {
peer._pingConnection.apply(peer, [ address ]);
}, 60000); */
_pingConnection (address) {
const ping = Message.fromVector(['Ping', `${Date.now().toString()}`]);
try {
this.sendToSocket(address, ping);
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', `Couldn't deliver message to socket: ${exception}`);
_updateLiveness (address) {
// Return Error if no connection
if (!this.connections[address]) {
const error = `No connection for address: ${address}`;
this.emit('error', error);
return new Error(error);
// Set the _lastMessage property
this.connections[address]._lastMessage = Date.now();
// Make chainable
return this;
_registerHandler (type, method) {
if (this.handlers[type]) return new Error(`Handler for method "${type}" is already registered.`);
this.handlers[type] = method.bind(this);
return this.handlers[type];
async _requestStateFromAllPeers () {
const message = Message.fromVector(['StateRequest']);
* Start listening for connections.
* @return {Peer} Chainable method.
async listen () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.server.listen(this.port, this.interface, (error) => {
if (error) return reject(error);
const details = this.server.address();
const address = `${details.address}:${details.port}`;
this.emit('log', `Now listening on tcp://${address} [!!!]`);
return resolve(address);
this.server.on('error', (error) => {
this.emit('error', `Server socket error: ${error}`);
module.exports = Peer;