Source: types/node.js

'use strict';

// Dependencies
const merge = require('lodash.merge');

// Fabric Types
const Peer = require('../types/peer');
const Service = require('../types/service');
// const Bitcoin = require('../services/bitcoin');

// Environment
// TODO: re-evaluate, remove
const Environment = require('../types/environment');
const environment = new Environment();

 * Full definition of a Fabric node.
class Node extends Service {
   * Manage a Fabric service.
   * @param {Object} settings Configuration for the node.
   * @returns {Node} Instance of the managed service.
  constructor (settings = {}) {

    // Settings
    this.settings = merge({
      name: '@fabric/node',
      full: true,
      autorun: true,
      bitcoin: false,
      peering: true,
      service: Service,
      settings: {}
    }, this.settings, settings);

    // Local Services
    this.node = new Peer(this.settings);
    // this.bitcoin = new Bitcoin(this.settings.bitcoin);
    this.program = null;

    return this;

  get service () {
    return this.program;

   * Explicitly trusts an {@link EventEmitter}.
   * @param {EventEmitter} source Actor to listen to.
   * @param {Object|String} settings Label for the trusted messages, or a configuration object.
  trust (source, settings = {}) {
    const self = this;
    const extra = (typeof settings === 'string') ? `[${settings}] ` : '';

    source.on('debug', function (debug) {
      self.emit('debug', `[FABRIC:DEBUG] ${extra}${debug}`);

    source.on('connections:open', function (data) {
      self.emit('log', `connection open: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

    source.on('connections:close', function (data) {
      self.emit('log', `connection close: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

    source.on('chat', function (chat) {
      self.emit('chat', chat);

    source.on('info', function (info) {
      self.emit('info', `${extra}${info}`);

    source.on('log', function (log) {
      self.emit('log', `${extra}${log}`);

    source.on('warning', function (warn) {
      self.emit('warning', `[FABRIC:WARNING] ${extra}${warn}`);

    source.on('error', function (error) {
      self.emit('error', `[FABRIC:ERROR] ${extra}${error}`);

    source.on('exception', function (error) {
      self.emit('error', `[FABRIC:EXCEPTION] ${extra}${error}`);

    source.on('message', function (msg) {
      self.emit('message', `[FABRIC:MESSAGE] ${extra}${msg}`);

    source.on('commit', function (msg) {
      console.log(`[FABRIC:COMMIT] ${extra}`, msg);

    source.on('ready', function () {
      self.emit('log', `[FABRIC] ${extra}<${}> Claimed ready!`);

    return this;

  async start () {
    // Read Environment

    // Prepare Input
    const input = merge({
      debug: (!environment.readVariable('DEBUG')),
      seed: environment.readVariable('FABRIC_SEED'),
      port: environment.readVariable('FABRIC_PORT')
    }, this.settings.settings);

    // Local Contract
    this.program = new this.settings.service(input);

    // Attach Listeners, 'PEER:LOCAL');, 'PROGRAM'); // TODO: debug why 'ready' events come twice?
    //, 'BITCOIN');

    // Start Services
    if (this.settings.autorun) await this.program.start();
    // if (this.settings.bitcoin) await this.bitcoin.start();

    // Start Fabric Node
    if (this.settings.peering) await this.node.start();

    // Notify Listeners
    this.emit('ready', {

    return this;

  async _call (method, params) {
    return this.program[method].call(this.program, params);

module.exports = Node;