'use strict';
// Constants
const {
} = require('../constants');
// Node Modules
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Deterministic Random
// TODO: remove
const Generator = require('arbitrary').default.Generator;
// Dependencies
// TODO: remove all external dependencies
const BN = require('bn.js');
const EC = require('elliptic').ec;
const ec = new EC('secp256k1');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1');
const payments = require('bitcoinjs-lib/src/payments');
// Fabric Dependencies
const Hash256 = require('./hash256');
// Simple Key Management
const BIP32 = require('bip32').default;
const bip39 = require('bip39');
// NOTE: see also @fabric/passport
// expect a bech32m identifier using prefix "id"
* Represents a cryptographic key.
class Key {
* Create an instance of a Fabric Key, either restoring from some known
* values or from prior knowledge. For instance, you can call `new Key()`
* to create a fresh keypair, or `new Key({ public: 'deadbeef...' })` to
* create it from a known public key.
* @param {Object} [settings] Initialization for the key.
* @param {String} [settings.network] Network string.
* @param {String} [settings.seed] Mnemonic seed for initializing the key.
* @param {String} [settings.public] Public key in hex.
* @param {String} [settings.private] Private key in hex.
* @param {String} [settings.purpose=44] Constrains derivations to this space.
constructor (input = {}) {
this.settings = Object.assign({
debug: false,
network: 'main',
curve: 'secp256k1',
mode: 'aes-256-cbc',
prefix: '00',
public: null,
private: null,
purpose: 44,
account: 0,
bits: 256,
hd: true,
seed: null,
passphrase: '',
password: null,
index: 0,
cipher: {
iv: {
size: 16
witness: true
}, input);
this.bip32 = new BIP32(ecc);
this.clock = 0;
this.master = null;
this.private = null;
this.public = null;
// TODO: design state machine for input (configuration)
if (this.settings.seed) {
this._mode = 'FROM_SEED';
} else if (this.settings.private) {
this._mode = 'FROM_PRIVATE_KEY';
} else if (this.settings.xprv) {
this._mode = 'FROM_XPRV';
} else if (this.settings.xpub) {
this._mode = 'FROM_XPUB';
} else if (this.settings.pubkey || this.settings.public) {
this._mode = 'FROM_PUBLIC_KEY';
} else {
this._mode = 'FROM_RANDOM';
switch (this._mode) {
case 'FROM_SEED':
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(this.settings.seed, this.settings.passphrase);
const root = this.bip32.fromSeed(seed);
// TODO: delete seed before constructor completes (or remove this line)
this.seed = this.settings.seed;
this.xprv = root.toBase58();
this.xpub = root.neutered().toBase58();
this.master = root;
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPrivate(root.privateKey);
this.status = 'seeded';
case 'FROM_XPRV':
this.master = this.bip32.fromBase58(this.settings.xprv);
this.xprv = this.master.toBase58();
this.xpub = this.master.neutered().toBase58();
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPrivate(this.master.privateKey);
case 'FROM_XPUB':
const xpub = this.bip32.fromBase58(this.settings.xpub);
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPublic(xpub.publicKey);
// Key is private
const provision = (this.settings.private instanceof Buffer) ? this.settings.private : Buffer.from(this.settings.private, 'hex');
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPrivate(provision);
const pubkey = this.settings.pubkey || this.settings.public;
// Key is only public
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPublic((pubkey instanceof Buffer) ? pubkey : Buffer.from(pubkey, 'hex'));
const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
const interim = bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic);
this.master = this.bip32.fromSeed(interim);
this.keypair = ec.keyFromPrivate(this.master.privateKey);
// Read the pair
this.private = (
!this.settings.seed &&
!this.settings.private &&
) ? false : this.keypair.getPrivate();
this.public = this.keypair.getPublic(true);
// TODO: determine if this makes sense / needs to be private
this.privkey = (this.private) ? this.private.toString() : null;
this.pubkey = this.public.encodeCompressed('hex');
// this.pubkeyhash = this.keyring.getKeyHash('hex');
this.pubkeyhash = '';
// Configure Deterministic Random
// WARNING: this will currently loop after 2^32 bits
// TODO: evaluate compression when treating seed phrase as ascii
// TODO: consider using sha256(masterprivkey) or sha256(sha256(...))?
this._starseed = Hash256.digest((
this.settings.seed ||
this.settings.xprv ||
) + '');
this.q = parseInt(this._starseed.substring(0, 4), 16);
this.generator = new Generator(this.q);
this['@data'] = {
type: 'Key',
public: this.pubkey,
address: this.address
this._state = {
pubkey: this.pubkey
// Object.defineProperty(this, 'keyring', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'keypair', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'private', { enumerable: false });
return this;
static Mnemonic (seed) {
return new Key({ seed });
get account () {
return this.settings.account;
get id () {
return this.pubkeyhash;
get iv () {
const self = this;
const bits = new BN([...Array(128)].map(() => {
return self.bit().toString();
}).join(''), 2).toString(16);
return Buffer.from(bits.toString(16), 'hex');
get purpose () {
return this.settings.purpose;
bit () {
return this.generator.next.bits(1);
/* export () {
return {
addresses: {
p2wkh: null,
p2tr: null
private: this.keypair.private,
public: this.keypair.public
} */
deriveAccountReceive (index) {
return this.deriveAddress(index);
deriveAddress (index = 0, change = 0, type = 'p2pkh') {
const pair = this.deriveKeyPair(this.account, index, change);
switch (type) {
case 'p2pkh':
return payments.p2pkh({
pubkey: Buffer.from(pair.public, 'hex')
case 'p2wpkh':
return payments.p2wpkh({
pubkey: Buffer.from(pair.public, 'hex')
deriveKeyPair (addressID = 0, change = 0) {
const path = `m/${this.purpose}'/0'/${this.account}'/${change}/${addressID}`;
const derived = this.master.derivePath(path);
const pair = ec.keyFromPrivate(derived.privateKey);
return {
private: pair.getPrivate('hex'),
public: pair.getPublic(true, 'hex')
encrypt (value) {
try {
const ivbuff = Buffer.from(this.iv, 'hex');
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(this.settings.mode, this.private.toBuffer(), ivbuff);
let encrypted = cipher.update(value);
encrypted = Buffer.concat([
return ivbuff.toString('hex') + ':' + encrypted.toString('hex');
} catch (exception) {
console.error('err:', exception);
decrypt (text) {
if (text instanceof Buffer) text = text.toString('utf8');
try {
const parts = text.split(':');
const iv = Buffer.from(parts.shift(), 'hex');
const blob = Buffer.from(parts.join(':'), 'hex');
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(this.settings.mode, this.private.toBuffer(), iv);
let decrypted = decipher.update(blob);
decrypted = Buffer.concat([
return decrypted.toString();
} catch (exception) {
console.error('err:', exception);
_sign (msg) {
if (typeof msg !== 'string') msg = JSON.stringify(msg);
const hmac = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(msg).digest('hex');
return this.keypair.sign(hmac).toDER();
_verify (msg, sig) {
const hmac = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(msg).digest('hex');
const valid = this.keypair.verify(hmac, sig);
return valid;
derive (path = this.settings.derivation) {
if (!this.master) throw new Error('You cannot derive without a master key. Provide a seed phrase or an xprv.');
const derived = this.master.derivePath(path);
const options = {
private: derived.privateKey.toString('hex'),
public: derived.publicKey.toString('hex')
return new Key(options);
module.exports = Key;