'use strict';
// Dependencies
const merge = require('lodash.merge');
// Types
const Actor = require('./actor');
const KeyStore = require('./keystore');
const Machine = require('./machine');
const Message = require('./message');
const Peer = require('./peer');
// const Remote = require('./remote');
const Resource = require('./resource');
const Service = require('./service');
const Storage = require('./store');
// const Swarm = require('./swarm');
* Web-friendly application framework for building single-page applications with
* Fabric-based networking and storage.
* @extends Service
* @property {Collection} components Interface elements.
* @property {Store} stash Routable {@link Datastore}.
// class App extends Scribe {
class App extends Service {
* Generic bundle for building Fabric applications.
* @param {Object} definition Application definition. See `config` for examples.
* @return {App} Returns an instance of `App`.
constructor (definition = {}) {
if (!definition.resources) definition.resources = {};
this.settings = Object.assign({
seed: null,
listen: false,
path: './stores/fabric-application',
prefix: '/',
services: [],
verbosity: 1
}, definition);
// Internal Components
this.node = new Peer(this.settings);
this.actor = new Actor(this.settings);
this.machine = new Machine(this.settings);
this.store = new KeyStore(this.settings);
// TODO: replace these with KeyStore
this.tips = new Storage({ path: './stores/tips' });
this.stash = new Storage({ path: './stores/stash' });
// TODO: debug these in browser
// this.swarm = new Swarm();
// this.worker = new Worker();
this.name = 'application';
this.network = {};
// TODO: debug this in browser
// this.element = document.createElement('fabric-app');
// Assign Properties
this.bindings = {};
this.authorities = {};
this.components = {};
this.elements = {};
this.services = {};
this.commands = {};
this.resources = {};
this.templates = {};
this.keys = [];
// Listen for Patches
this.stash.on('patches', function (patches) {
console.log('[FABRIC:APP]', 'heard patches!', patches);
if (this.settings.resources) {
for (const name in this.resources) {
this.set(this.settings.prefix + this.resources[name].components.list, []);
// State
this._state = {
anchor: 'BTC',
chains: {}
return this;
_bindEvents (element) {
for (const name in this.bindings) element.addEventListener(name, this.bindings[name]);
return element;
_unbindEvents (element) {
for (const name in this.bindings) element.removeEventListener(this.bindings[name]);
return element;
async bootstrap () {
return true;
async _signWithOwnID (input) {
return this.key.sign(input);
* Start the program.
* @return {Promise}
async start () {
this._appendMessage(`[FABRIC:APP] @${this.id} -- Starting...`);
this.status = 'STARTING';
for (const [name, service] of Object.entries(this.services)) {
this._appendWarning(`@${this.id} -- Checking for Service: ${name}`);
if (this.settings.services.includes(name)) {
this._appendWarning(`Starting service: ${name}`);
await this.services[name]._bindStore(this.store);
await this.services[name].start();
// Start P2P node
this.status = 'STARTED';
this._appendMessage(`[FABRIC:APP] @${this.id} -- Started!`);
return this;
* Stop the program.
* @return {Promise}
async stop () {
this.emit('log', '[FABRIC:APP] Stopping...');
await this.node.stop();
await this.tips.close();
await this.stash.close();
this.emit('log', '[FABRIC:APP] Stopped!');
return this;
* Define a Resource, or "Type", used by the application.
* @param {String} name Human-friendly name for the Resource.
* @param {Object} structure Map of attribute names -> definitions.
* @return {Object} [description]
async define (name, structure) {
const self = this;
self.log('[APP]', 'defining:', name, structure);
try {
const resource = new Resource(structure);
// resource._sign();
// self.use(name, structure);
// TODO: decide on resource['@data'] vs. resource (new)
self.resources[name] = resource;
// self._sign();
} catch (E) {
return this;
async register (component) {
this.components[component.name] = component;
* Defer control of this application to an outside authority.
* @param {String} authority Hostname to trust.
* @return {App} The configured application as deferred to `authority`.
async defer (authority) {
let self = this;
let resources = {};
console.warn('[APP]', 'deferring authority:', authority);
/* if (typeof authority === 'string') {
self.remote = new Remote({
host: authority
resources = await self.remote.enumerate();
} else {
resources = authority.resources;
} */
if (!resources) {
resources = {};
if (window && window.page) {
// load the Index
window.page('/', function (context) {
self.log('Hello, navigator.');
self.log('Context:', context);
self.element.navigate('fabric-splash', context);
return this;
async _appendMessage (msg) {
if (this.settings.verbosity > 2) console.log(`[${(new Date()).toISOString()}]: ${msg}`);
async _appendWarning (msg) {
console.warn(`[${(new Date()).toISOString()}]: ${msg}`);
async _appendError (msg) {
console.error(`[${(new Date()).toISOString()}]: ${msg}`);
* Configure the Application to use a specific element.
* @param {DOMElement} element DOM element to bind to.
* @return {App} Configured instance of the Application.
attach (element) {
this.element = element;
return this;
* Define the Application's resources from an existing resource map.
* @param {Object} resources Map of resource definitions by name.
* @return {App} Configured instance of the Application.
consume (resources) {
let self = this;
self.element.resources = resources;
for (let key in resources) {
let def = resources[key];
self.define(def.name, def);
return this;
* Use a CSS selector to find an element in the current document's tree and
* bind to it as the render target.
* @param {String} selector CSS selector.
* @return {App} Instance of app with bound element.
envelop (selector) {
try {
let element = document.querySelector(selector);
if (!element) {
this.log('[FABRIC:APP]', 'envelop()', 'could not find element:', selector);
return null;
} catch (E) {
console.error('Could not envelop element:', E);
return this;
* Define a named {@link Resource}.
* @param {String} name Human-friendly name for this resource.
* @param {Object} definition Map of configuration values.
* @return {App} Configurated instance of the {@link App}.
use (name, definition) {
this.log('[APP]', 'using:', name, definition);
super.use(name, definition);
return this;
* Get the output of our program.
* @return {String} Output of the program.
render () {
const actor = new Actor(this._state);
const html = `<fabric-${this.name.toLowerCase()}>` +
`\n <fabric-state id="${actor.id}">` +
`\n <fabric-state-json integrity="sha256:${actor.preimage}">${actor.serialize()}</fabric-state-json>` +
'\n </fabric-state>' +
const sample = new Actor(html);
if (this.element) {
this.element.setAttribute('integrity', `sha256:${sample.preimage}`);
this.element.innerHTML = html;
return html;
_registerCommand (command, method) {
this.commands[command] = method.bind(this);
* Registers a named {@link Service} with the application. Services are
* standardized interfaces for Fabric contracts, emitting {@link Message}
* events with a predictable lifecycle.
* @internal
* @param {String} name Internal name of the service.
* @param {Class} Service The ES6 class definition implementing {@link Service}.
* @returns {Service} The registered service instance.
_registerService (name, Service) {
const self = this;
const service = new Service(merge({}, this.settings, this.settings[name]));
if (this.services[name]) {
return this._appendWarning(`Service already registered: ${name}`);
this.services[name] = service;
this.services[name].on('error', function (msg) {
self._appendError(`Service "${name}" emitted error: ${JSON.stringify(msg, null, ' ')}`);
this.services[name].on('warning', function (msg) {
self._appendWarning(`Service warning from ${name}: ${JSON.stringify(msg, null, ' ')}`);
this.services[name].on('message', function (msg) {
self._appendMessage(`@services/${name} -- <FabricServiceMessage>(${typeof msg}) ${JSON.stringify(msg, null, ' ')}`);
switch (msg['@type']) {
case 'ChatMessage':
self.node.relayFrom(self.node.id, Message.fromVector(['ChatMessage', JSON.stringify(msg)]));
this.on('identity', function _registerActor (identity) {
if (this.settings.services.includes(name)) {
self._appendMessage(`Registering actor on service "${name}": ${JSON.stringify(identity)}`);
try {
} catch (exception) {
self._appendError(`Error from service "${name}" during _registerActor: ${exception}`);
return this.services[name];
module.exports = App;