'use strict';
// Dependencies
const merge = require('lodash.merge');
// Fabric Types
const Service = require('./service');
const Actor = require('./actor');
const Tree = require('./tree');
* Aggregates a set of balances (inputs).
class Aggregator extends Service {
* Create a new Aggregator.
* @param {Object} [settings] Map of configuration values.
* @param {Array} [settings.inputs] Array of {@link AnchorBalance} instances.
* @returns {Aggregator} Instance of the {@link Aggregator}.
constructor (settings = {}) {
this.settings = merge({
inputs: [],
version: 0
}, this.settings, settings);
this.actor = new Actor({ inputs: this.settings.inputs });
this._tree = new Tree();
this._state = {
balances: {
total: 0,
confirmed: 0,
unconfirmed: 0
inputs: this.settings.inputs,
history: []
return this;
get id () {
return this.actor.id;
get balances () {
return Object.assign({}, this._state.balances);
get tree () {
return new Tree({ leaves: this.settings.inputs.map(x => x.hash) });
* Import a list of {@link AnchorBalance} instances.
* @param {Array} list List of inputs to add.
* @returns {AnchorBalance} Summary of resulting balances.
_importBalances (list = []) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
return this.balances;
* Updates the state to reflect balances from current inputs.
* @returns {AnchorBalance} Summary of balances.
_computeBalances () {
this._state.balances = this._state.inputs.reduce((o, e) => {
o.total += e.total;
o.confirmed += e.confirmed;
o.unconfirmed += e.unconfirmed;
return o;
}, {
total: 0,
confirmed: 0,
unconfirmed: 0
return this.balances;
* Commits the balance of all input.
* @fires Aggregator#commit
* @returns {AggregatorCommit} Commit instance.
commit () {
const actor = new Actor(this.balances);
// const signature = null;
const message = {
id: actor.id,
type: 'AggregatorCommit',
actor: this.id,
object: actor.toObject(),
target: '/commits',
// signature: signature,
version: this.settings.version
// Update Tree
// Assign Root & Leaves
message.root = this._tree.root;
message.leaves = this._tree.getLeaves();
* Commit event.
* @event Aggregator#commit
* @type {Object}
* @property {Uint8Array} root Root of the {@link Tree}.
* @property {Array} leaves Leaves of the {@link Tree}.
this.emit('commit', message);
return message;
module.exports = Aggregator;