'use strict';
// Generics
const EventEmitter = require('events');
// Dependencies
const monitor = require('fast-json-patch');
const pointer = require('json-pointer');
// Fabric Types
const Hash256 = require('./hash256');
// Fabric Functions
const _sortKeys = require('../functions/_sortKeys');
* Generic Fabric Actor.
* @access protected
* @emits message Fabric {@link Message} objects.
* @property {String} id Unique identifier for this Actor (id === SHA256(preimage)).
* @property {String} preimage Input hash for the `id` property (preimage === SHA256(ActorState)).
class Actor extends EventEmitter {
* Creates an {@link Actor}, which emits messages for other
* Actors to subscribe to. You can supply certain parameters
* for the actor, including key material [!!!] — be mindful of
* what you share with others!
* @param {Object} [actor] Object to use as the actor.
* @param {String} [actor.seed] BIP24 Mnemonic to use as a seed phrase.
* @param {Buffer} [actor.public] Public key.
* @param {Buffer} [actor.private] Private key.
* @returns {Actor} Instance of the Actor. Call {@link Actor#sign} to emit a {@link Signature}.
constructor (actor = {}) {
this.settings = {
type: 'Actor',
status: 'PAUSED'
// Internal State
// TODO: encourage use of `state` over `_state`
// TODO: use `const state` here
this._state = {
type: this.settings.type,
status: this.settings.status,
content: this._readObject(actor)
// TODO: evaluate disabling by default
this.history = [];
// TODO: evaluate disabling by default
// and/or resolving performance issues at scale
try {
this.observer = monitor.observe(this._state.content, this._handleMonitorChanges.bind(this));
} catch (exception) {
console.error('UNABLE TO WATCH:', exception);
// TODO: use elegant method to strip these properties
Object.defineProperty(this, '_events', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, '_eventsCount', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, '_maxListeners', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, '_state', { enumerable: false });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'observer', { enumerable: false });
// Chainable
return this;
static chunk (array, size = 32) {
const chunkedArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += size) {
chunkedArray.push(array.slice(i, i + size));
return chunkedArray;
* Create an {@link Actor} from a variety of formats.
* @param {Object} input Target {@link Object} to create.
* @returns {Actor} Instance of the {@link Actor}.
static fromAny (input = {}) {
let state = null;
if (typeof input === 'string') {
state = { content: input };
} else if (input instanceof Buffer) {
state = { content: input.toString('hex') };
} else {
state = Object.assign({}, input);
return new Actor(state);
static fromJSON (input) {
let result = null;
if (typeof input === 'string' && input.length) {
console.log('trying to parse as JSON:', input);
try {
result = JSON.parse(input);
} catch (E) {
console.error('Failure in fromJSON:', E);
} else {
console.trace('Invalid input:', typeof input);
return result;
* Get a number of random bytes from the runtime environment.
* @param {Number} [count=32] Number of random bytes to retrieve.
* @returns {Buffer} The random bytes.
static randomBytes (count = 32) {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
const array = new Uint8Array(count);
return Buffer.from(array);
} else {
return require('crypto').randomBytes(count);
get id () {
const buffer = Buffer.from(this.preimage, 'hex');
return Hash256.compute(buffer);
get spendable () {
if (!this.signer) return false;
return false;
get generic () {
return this.toGenericMessage();
get preimage () {
if (!this.generic) throw new Error('Could not get generic');
const string = JSON.stringify(this.generic, null, ' ');
const secret = Buffer.from(string, 'utf8');
const preimage = Hash256.compute(secret);
return preimage;
get state () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._state.content || {}));
get status () {
return this._state.status;
get type () {
return this._state['@type'];
set state (value) {
this._state.content = value;
set status (value) {
this._state.status = value;
* Explicitly adopt a set of {@link JSONPatch}-encoded changes.
* @param {Array} changes List of {@link JSONPatch} operations to apply.
* @returns {Actor} Instance of the Actor.
adopt (changes) {
try {
monitor.applyPatch(this._state.content, changes);
} catch (exception) {
this.emit('error', exception);
return this;
* Resolve the current state to a commitment.
* @returns {String} 32-byte ID
commit () {
const now = new Date();
const state = new Actor(this.state);
const changes = monitor.generate(this.observer);
const parent = (this.history.length) ? this.history[this.history.length - 1].state : null;
const commit = new Actor({
changes: changes,
parent: parent,
state: state.id // TODO: include whole state?
this.emit('commit', commit);
this.emit('message', {
type: 'ActorMessage',
data: {
actor: { id: this.id },
created: now.toISOString(),
object: changes,
type: 'Changes'
return commit.id;
debug (...params) {
this.emit('debug', params);
* Export the Actor's state to a standard {@link Object}.
* @returns {Object} Standard object.
export () {
return {
id: this.id,
type: 'FabricActor',
object: this.state,
version: 1
* Retrieve a value from the Actor's state by {@link JSONPointer} path.
* @param {String} path Path to retrieve using {@link JSONPointer}.
* @returns {Object} Value of the path in the Actor's state.
get (path) {
return pointer.get(this._state.content, path);
log (...params) {
this.emit('log', ...params);
mutate (seed) {
if (seed === 0 || !seed) seed = this.randomBytes(32).toString('hex');
const patches = [
{ op: 'replace', path: '/seed', value: seed }
monitor.applyPatch(this._state.content, patches);
console.log('new state:', this._state.content);
return this;
* Set a value in the Actor's state by {@link JSONPointer} path.
* @param {String} path Path to set using {@link JSONPointer}.
* @param {Object} value Value to set.
* @returns {Object} Value of the path in the Actor's state.
set (path, value) {
pointer.set(this._state.content, path, value);
return this;
setStatus (value) {
if (!value) throw new Error('Cannot remove status.');
this.status = value;
* Casts the Actor to a normalized Buffer.
* @returns {Buffer}
toBuffer () {
return Buffer.from(this.serialize(), 'utf8');
* Casts the Actor to a generic message, used to uniquely identify the Actor's state.
* Fields:
* - `type`: 'FabricActorState'
* - `object`: state
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle_tree}
* @see {@link https://dev.fabric.pub/messages}
* @returns {Object} Generic message object.
toGenericMessage (type = 'FabricActorState') {
return {
type: 'FabricActorState',
object: this.toObject()
toJSON () {
return {
'@id': this.id,
* Returns the Actor's current state as an {@link Object}.
* @returns {Object}
toObject () {
return _sortKeys(this.state);
toString (format = 'json') {
switch (format) {
case 'hex':
return Buffer.from(this.serialize(), 'utf8').toString('hex');
case 'json':
return this.serialize();
* Toggles `status` property to paused.
* @returns {Actor} Instance of the Actor.
pause () {
this.status = 'PAUSING';
this.status = 'PAUSED';
return this;
randomBytes (count = 32) {
return Actor.randomBytes(count);
* Serialize the Actor's current state into a JSON-formatted string.
* @returns {String}
serialize () {
let json = null;
try {
json = JSON.stringify(this.toObject(), null, ' ');
} catch (exception) {
json = JSON.stringify({
type: 'Error',
content: `Exception serializing: ${exception}`
}, null, ' ');
return json;
sha256 (value) {
return Hash256.digest(value);
* Signs the Actor.
* @returns {Actor}
sign () {
throw new Error('Unimplemented on this branch. Use @fabric/core/types/signer instead.');
/* this.signature = this.key._sign(this.toBuffer());
this.emit('signature', this.signature);
return this; */
* Toggles `status` property to unpaused.
* @returns {Actor} Instance of the Actor.
unpause () {
this.status = 'UNPAUSING';
this.status = 'UNPAUSED';
return this;
validate () {
if (!this.state) return false;
if (!this.id) return false;
return true;
* Get the inner value of the Actor with an optional cast type.
* @param {String} [format] Cast the value to one of: `buffer, hex, json, string`
* @returns {Object} Inner value of the Actor as an {@link Object}, or cast to the requested `format`.
value (format = 'object') {
switch (format) {
return this.state;
case 'buffer':
return Buffer.from(this.value('string'), 'utf8');
case 'hex':
return this.value('buffer').toString('hex');
case 'json':
case 'string':
return JSON.stringify(this.state);
_getField (name) {
return this._state.content[name];
* Incurs 1 SYSCALL
* @access private
* @returns {Object}
_getState () {
return this.state;
_handleMonitorChanges (changes) {
// TODO: emit global state event here
// after verify, commit
* Parse an Object into a corresponding Fabric state.
* @param {Object} input Object to read as input.
* @returns {Object} Fabric state.
_readObject (input = {}) {
if (typeof input === 'string') {
return Object.assign({}, {
type: 'String',
size: input.length,
content: input,
encoding: 'utf8'
} else if (input instanceof Buffer) {
return Object.assign({}, {
type: 'Buffer',
size: input.length,
content: input.toString('hex'),
encoding: 'hex'
} else {
return Object.assign({}, input);
module.exports = Actor;