Source: lib/app.js

'use strict';

const Machine = require('./machine');
const Remote = require('./remote');
const Resource = require('./resource');
const Scribe = require('./scribe');
const State = require('./state');
const Storage = require('./store');
// const Swarm = require('./swarm');

 * Web-friendly application framework for building single-page applications with
 * Fabric-based networking and storage.
 * @property {Collection} components Interface elements.
class App extends Scribe {
   * Generic bundle for building Fabric applications.
   * @param  {Object} definition Application definition.  See `config` for examples.
   * @return {App}            Returns an instance of `App`.
  constructor (definition = {}) {

    if (!definition.resources) definition.resources = {};

    this['@data'] = Object.assign({
      seed: 1
    }, definition);

    this.machine = new Machine(this['@data']); = new Storage({ path: './data/tips' });
    this.stash = new Storage({ path: './data/stash' });
    // this.swarm = new Swarm();
    // this.worker = new Worker(); = 'application'; = {};
    // this.element = document.createElement('fabric-app');
    this.bindings = {};
    this.authorities = {};
    this.components = {};
    this.resources = {};
    this.templates = {};
    this.keys = [];

    this.stash.on('patches', function (patches) {
      console.log('[FABRIC:APP]', 'heard patches!', patches);

    if (this['@data'].resources) {
      for (let name in this['@data'].resources) {
        this.set(this['@data'].resources[name].components.list, []);


    return this;

  _bindEvents (element) {
    for (let name in this.bindings) {
      element.addEventListener(name, this.bindings[name]);

    return element;

  _unbindEvents (element) {
    for (let name in this.bindings) {

    return element;

   * Start the program.
   * @return {Promise}
  async start () {
    this.log('[APP]', 'started!');
    return this;

   * Stop the program.
   * @return {Promise}
  async stop () {
    this.log('[APP]', 'stopping...');

    await this.stash.close();

    return this;

   * Define a Resource, or "Type", used by the application.
   * @param  {String} name      Human-friendly name for the Resource.
   * @param  {Object} structure Map of attribute names -> definitions.
   * @return {Object}           [description]
  async define (name, structure) {
    let self = this;

    self.log('[APP]', 'defining:', name, structure);

    try {
      let resource = new Resource(structure);


      // self.use(name, structure);
      // TODO: decide on resource['@data'] vs. resource (new)
      self.resources[name] = resource;

    } catch (E) {

    return this;

  async register (component) {
    this.components[] = component;

   * Defer control of this application to an outside authority.
   * @param  {String} authority Hostname to trust.
   * @return {App}           The configured application as deferred to `authority`.
  async defer (authority) {
    let self = this;
    let resources = {};

    console.warn('[APP]', 'deferring authority:', authority);

    if (typeof authority === 'string') {
      self.remote = new Remote({
        host: authority
      resources = await self.remote.enumerate();
    } else {
      resources = authority.resources;

    if (!resources) {
      resources = {};


    if (window && {
      // load the Index'/', function (context) {
        self.log('Hello, navigator.');
        self.log('Context:', context);
        self.element.navigate('fabric-splash', context);

    return this;

   * Configure the Application to use a specific element.
   * @param  {DOMElement} element DOM element to bind to.
   * @return {App}           Configured instance of the Application.
  attach (element) {
    this.element = element;
    return this;

   * Define the Application's resources from an existing resource map.
   * @param  {Object} resources Map of resource definitions by name.
   * @return {App}           Configured instance of the Application.
  consume (resources) {
    let self = this;

    self.element.resources = resources;

    for (let key in resources) {
      let def = resources[key];
      self.define(, def);

    return this;

   * Use a CSS selector to find an element in the current document's tree and
   * bind to it as the render target.
   * @param  {String} selector CSS selector.
   * @return {App}          Instance of app with bound element.
  envelop (selector) {
    try {
      let element = document.querySelector(selector);

      if (!element) {
        this.log('[FABRIC:APP]', 'envelop()', 'could not find element:', selector);
        return null;

    } catch (E) {
      console.error('Could not envelop element:', E);

    return this;

   * Define a named {@link Resource}.
   * @param  {String} name       Human-friendly name for this resource.
   * @param  {Object} definition Map of configuration values.
   * @return {App}            Configurated instance of the {@link App}.
  use (name, definition) {
    this.log('[APP]', 'using:', name, definition);
    super.use(name, definition);
    return this;

   * Get the output of our program.
   * @return {String}           Output of the program.
  render (component) {
    let rendered = `<fabric-${} />`;
    let sample = new State(rendered);

    if (this.element) {
      this.element.setAttribute('integrity', `sha256:${}`);
      this.element.innerHTML = rendered;

    return rendered;

module.exports = App;